Federal Cybersecurity Delegate takes seat on the Advisory Board of Bug Bounty Switzerland

22.02.2021 - Bug Bounty Switzerland GmbH has convened an Advisory Board made up of IT security experts from various industries. Florian Schütz, Switzerland’s Federal Cybersecurity Delegate, is the latest member of the Advisory Board. 

Bug Bounty Switzerland was founded in April 2020 with the goal of establishing bug bounty programmes in Switzerland. In the scope of such programmes, Swiss companies commission ethical hackers to discover weaknesses in their live systems and reward them if they are successful.

Bug Bounty Switzerland GmbH has convened an Advisory Board made up of IT security experts from various industries. Florian Schütz, Switzerland’s Federal Cybersecurity Delegate, has joined the Advisory Board of Bug Bounty Switzerland GmbH. “Bug bounty programmes are efficient and cost-effective, which means they can make a key contribution to the security of companies and infrastructures in Switzerland,” he explains. “It is therefore in Switzerland’s strategic interests to support a Swiss platform. Bug Bounty Switzerland is currently the only Swiss company that provides this service, so it fills an important gap.”

Further Information:

Bug Bounty Switzerland

Last modification 22.02.2021

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