Current figures

The following statistics show the numbers of cyberincidents currently reported by the public and companies to the National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC). These include not only reports concerning damage, but also those referring to cyberincidents that the reporter detected early on and thus did not cause any damage.

The charts are dynamic and interlinked.

  • Chart 1: Report trend over the past twelve months
    Clicking on a specific data point in chart 1 shows the number of reports that week, and at the same time chart 2 shows the most frequently reported cyberincidents in that period.
  • Chart 2: Detailed statistics for the most frequently reported cyberincidents by category per week
    Clicking on the corresponding cyberincident category (bar) in chart 2 opens chart 3, which contains the figures for the corresponding subcategories, and chart 4, which shows the trend for the selected main category over the course of the year.

  • Chart 3: Detailed statistics for the most frequently reported cyberincidents by subcategory per week
    Clicking on the corresponding cyberincident subcategory (bar) in chart 3 simultaneously shows in chart 4 its trend over the course of the year.
  • Chart 4 Annual development of reports in the selected category

If you move the mouse over a data point, the detailed values are displayed. The weekly period starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. The figures are updated on Tuesday mornings.