Target groups

In the NCS, the Confederation and cantons set out what goals they want to achieve in close cooperation with the business community, academia and society. The intended impact of the NCS covers the whole of Switzerland. The NCS explicitly addresses the following target groups:


Protecting the population is the aim of all NCS measures. The population is directly affected by cyberincidents especially in the case of attacks by cybercriminals or when their personal data is affected by cyberincidents. The NCS helps to sensitise and warn the population about such threats and to enable them to use digital technologies safely. It enhances data protection by allowing data controllers and subjects to retain control over personal data and making unauthorised access by third parties more difficult.

Business community:

A safe and secure environment is an important basis for economic activity and a factor influencing business location. Cyberthreats pose major challenges for all companies, especially SMEs. Implementation of the NCS serves to increase security for companies in Switzerland. The support that companies receive to deal with cyberthreats, on a subsidiary basis to the services provided by the market, is defined. However, companies remain responsible for their own protection.

Critical infrastructures:

Critical infrastructures ensure the availability of essential goods and services. Their functioning is indispensable for the population and the Swiss economy. Protecting them has high priority and is the focus of all NCS measures, taking into account the different requirements in relation to their risk exposure.

Public authorities:

The Confederation, cantons and communes are responsible for protecting their services. They must demonstrate a high level of availability in the performance of their duties. Furthermore, authorities at all levels of government handle sensitive information and increasingly offer services online. Implementation of the NCS enables the resilience of public authorities to be enhanced.

International and non-governmental organisations:

Switzerland helps international organisations to protect themselves against cyberthreats and creates secure conditions for the activities of international and non-governmental organisations with regard to cybersecurity.

Last modification 13.04.2023

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